
Thursday, May 10, 2012

Mysterious plant that melts the rock!

Since the earliest times people have built colossal, including the pyramids in Egypt and megalithic buildings in South America. Many have wondered how it was possible to build such works in the distant past with time-limited vehicles.

Objective, because some things have found a reasonable explanation, others remain in darkness plotë.Nëse think megalithic constructions of Machu Pichu, and can not, and you are amazed and ask yourself how it was possible to build wonderful on top of a mountain.

As is made possible transport of our hundreds of blocks in a mountain? And not only. Some of these blocks are formed in particular, that can dovetail with additional blocks, and the connection of the wall. And not to forget one important detail: the peoples of South America did not detect wheel!

It is understood that in this case the problem is still complicated, no vehicles, karruklla, cranes or other equipment involving the use of rotor system.

All this has caused a thousand hypotheses, including aliens, gods or magical powers. In one of the theories of the scholar Peter Tompkins explains that his idea is worthy and not questions the paranormal phenomena or alien ..

In an interview granted, Tompkins says there is no proof of who built the pyramids are believed, at what age, especially all official Egyptologists are not based on evidence but only on certain assumptions.

Given these facts, Tompkins has explained his idea of ​​how it was possible to build these works megalithice.Ai has spoken of the existence of a tall red plant about 25 cm or less, able to rock and fluid then regroup in the desired format.

The idea is that knowing the properties of this plant, some boxes are built, are filled with stones and then was thrown extract of this plant by turning the stone into a liquid form and then expect everything to turn in solid form.

So, you been given shape and size of all those big blocks in the desired shape and in the right place. This will of course exclude the external factors as alien or paranormal forces.

Putting these big stones in regular forms and the right is hard to imagine, while Tompinks theory, explains this clearly and kuptushem.

The problem is to prove the existence of this herbaceous plant red researcher cited some evidence for this fakt.E before dating almost 2 centuries ago and is a legend written by an American traveler in Boston that shows how they built the large temples to Mesoamerices thanks to a mysterious factory.

A second witness goes back about 900 years and is written by an Englishman. In his journey on horseback Englishman is forced to walk because the horse was lame. It is clear that he was wearing Spice, and trouble walking through a meadow violates some mysterious red plant that had not we never encountered in his life. Another told another story about a priest who has spent most of his life in search of a mysterious bird, very small, which has the ability to dig its nest in the rock with the help of a red bar.

He took a piece of grass in its beak and wiped with rock to slowly merge to form a suitable cavity to control nests.

These are historical legends, but there is no further proof, if so experiment Davidovits indirekte.Ekziston and a scholar's rock engineer who has managed to dissolve limestone

He studied the sand at Giza and found that the type of clay which being mixed with salt, lime and water, has managed to built many blocks similar to those of the Great Pyramid. Even this an argument for the construction of piamidave mynyren of Giza, but indirectly confirms the hypothesis of Tompinks.

Differences between the two technologies are on the one hand a concrete invented by man of substances ngakombinimi toksore the formation of larger blocks and through the grass that may dissolve the stones.

Now we have to expect the evidence to prove both tezat.Në really, considering the large number of megalithic constructions carried out by people in South America is supposed to be massively exploited the use of this herb that led to the survival of these people at the top of mountains like buildings Pichu's Mchu

The discovery of this herb will result in changes to all previous theories, the ancient civilizations, in connection with what now seems absurd, they turn into an argument of rational explanation.

Peter Tompkins was born in 1919 in Georgia, but most of his childhood in Toskanë.Filloi spends his studies at Harvard, and during the outbreak of World War II ended in Europe as a correspondent for several newspapers before entering the U.S. secret services.

At the end of forty years back in the U.S., continuing to work in journalism and American studies Itali.Ka interventions studied the links between fascism and Masonry, between fascism and Kisheskatolike, and describes the relationship between Churchill and Mussolini.

Besides the historical work on World War II, he joined a scholar of ancient civilizations such as Egyptians, or even meJohn Anthony West, researchers who work on a proposed update of the Sphinx and the Giza pyramid. He published a book in Italy, a beautiful book "Magic of obelisks".

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